LiSys RFID Tire Tracking

Trucking companies can now control your tire mis handling using RFID tags

Real-time Tire Management with LiSys RFID

Trucking companies struggle in managing the tires, as these are often manupulated and mishandled by drivers and garage personals for quick money.   AcuraData’s LiSys RFID Tire Tracking solution provides real-time monitoring of tire, enabling proactive maintenance, reducing downtime, and extending tire lifespan, ultimately saving costs

  • Proactive Maintenance: Identify and address tire issues before they become major problems.
  • Enhanced Safety: Improve safety by ensuring tires are in optimal condition.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduce costs associated with tire replacement and downtime.
  • Improved Productivity: Enhance productivity by minimizing equipment downtime.

Real-time Monitoring

Monitor tire condition and location in real-time.

Predictive Analytics:

Use data for predictive maintenance and tire lifespan extension.

Control tire theft

Miss handling of tires is 100% controlled by regular scanning of permanently installed RFID tire tags.

Maintenance Alerts

Receive alerts for timely tire maintenance.

Cost-effective Management

Save costs on tire replacement and maintenance.

Integration with TPMS

Possible integration with TPMS (Tire Depth & Pressure) blue tooth-based devices to have automated updating of data.

Tire Tracking , Rfid Tire Tracking

RFID tire tracking provides real-time visibility into the location and status of tires, enabling organizations to monitor tire inventory levels, track tire movements, and identify potential issues promptly.

By associating RFID tags with individual tires, organizations can track maintenance schedules, monitor tire wear and tear, and schedule timely inspections or replacements to optimize tire lifespan and performance.

RFID tire tracking helps ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards by enabling organizations to monitor tire condition, tread depth, and other critical parameters to prevent accidents and maintain vehicle safety.

When all the products in the warehouse are registered using this technology, the inflow and outflow processes, expiry, errors, etc. will be automatic. This speeds up the whole process reducing errors, from product selection through to shipment to the customer.

RFID tire tracking minimizes downtime by enabling proactive maintenance and replacement of tires before they fail, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and associated costs such as vehicle repairs, lost productivity, and delivery delays.

RFID technology automates tire identification and data capture processes, streamlining tire management operations and reducing reliance on manual data entry, paperwork, and human error.

RFID tire tracking helps prevent theft and unauthorized use of tires by providing accurate records of tire movements and usage, enabling organizations to identify discrepancies and take appropriate action.

RFID tire tracking provides more detailed data on tire inventory and stocking apart from analytics on brand wise comparission.  This will help management for more controlled budget allocation.


Control Theft and manupilation

One of the main pain points of trasnport companies is to control tire theft of tires by garage and drivers. They affect the profit and are not possible to keep track on daily basis. One only way is to make manual entry of tires by taking serial numbers which is very much time consuming and effort

Control Theft and manupilation

Read Tires as they drive through

Tires with Tamperproof RFID tags are read as they drive through and updated in the software as per the position. Any mis-handling is notified immeidately, this will help mangers to take reverify the tires and take necessary actoin

Read Tires as they drive through

Integration with TPMS for complete maintenance

Possible integration with TPMS systen will update the Tire pressure and dept instantly without errors. This digital form of data becomes key factor in tire maintenance and performance

Integration with TPMS for complete maintenance